Toronto Diocesan Council Executive 2022-2024
Click on the name or plus symbol in the boxes below to read the Toronto Diocesan Council Executive profiles.
Fr. Liborio entered St. Augustine's seminary, in Scarborough, in 1987. He was ordained to the Priesthood in 1992. Fr. Liborio's first placement was St. Peter's church in Woodbridge as an associate (1992 - 1995). He then moved to S. Salvador do Mundo/ Cristo Rei in Mississauga as an Associate (1995 - 1998). Fr. Liborio was named pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton in Newmarket and remained there till 2004. In 2004 Cardinal Ambrozic asked Fr. Liborio to enter the ministry of Vocation work. Fr. Liborio remained the Archdiocesan Vocations director till July of 2009. He was given a six month sabbatical (i.e. Attended a three month program in Rome) and was named pastor of St. Mary's parish in January of 2010. He is very happy to be pastor of his home parish - his parents are now his parishioners and live nearby.
Kate's love for the Catholic Women's League began at a very early age, under the influence of her mother, who was most devoted to the League and our Mother Mary. She became a member of the CWL from the age of 16 (a Birthday gift from her mother!) In September of 2001, Kate became an active executive member at St. Joseph the Worker Parish Council in Oshawa, (Durham Region) as Education Committee Chair, 1st Vice-President and President-Elect, before becoming President for the 2012 - 2014 term. She is very blessed to be working with such amazing, dedicated, faith-filled women in her Parish Council!
Kate keeps active in her Parish CWL helping to organize many events. Kate served two years as Durham Regional Chair and at the Diocesan level she was Legislation Chair for two years, Spiritual Development Chair for three years and President-Elect/Organization Chair for two years. During this time, Kate was also a member of the Ontario Provincial Convention Planning Committee (2018) and is currently a member of the National Convention (2025) Planning Committee. Kate is looking forward to serving her sisters in the League as Toronto Diocesan President.
Kate is very active in her parish. She was a member of the Parish Council and was also involved with the Children's Liturgy. She currently organizes the Music Ministry. After twelve years, Kate has retired from the Board of Directors for Catholic Family Services of Durham.
Kate is a retired Catholic school principal who spent 30 years in her teaching vocation with the Durham Catholic District School Board. During this time, Kate completed her Masters in Religious Education. Kate and her husband Manny have two wonderful boys and daughter-in-law, and one amazing grandson.
Connie was born in a small town in southern Italy. She immigrated to Canada shortly after her 1st birthday and landed at Pier 21 in Nova Scotia. She was raised in the west end of Toronto. She is happily married to her husband Eugene and they are blessed with two wonderful daughters, two sons in law and four beautiful grandsons.
Her Catholic Women's League journey began shortly after moving to her home parish of St. Roch in 1985, through an invitation from a wonderful neighbor and a passionate CWL advocate to attend a monthly meeting. She officially joined St. Roch's CWL in 1987.
Over the years Connie has held various positions at the parish level. Connie continues to be very involved in her council, focusing on mentoring, recruiting, and maintaining current membership. She is an active member in her parish community and served as an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, and Lector. Connie is also a Serran and is an active participant of the Serra Club of Toronto Central Region.
At the regional level, Connie was regional chair for Humber Valley Region for two years, was a facilitator for the regional Parish Executive Training (PET) and the Leadership and Public speaking course; and served as Regional Treasurer.
At the Toronto Diocesan Level, Connie has served as Community Life Standing Committee Chair, 2nd Vice President/ Education and Health Chair, and 1st Vice President/Chairperson of Resolutions. Connie was also part of various committees; Provincial Convention (2018), the 100th TDC Anniversary Committee and the National Convention (2025) Planning Committee.
Connie’s strong dedication and commitment to the League, has provided her with the opportunity to grow within the League, enhance her spiritual and personal growth and work with many wonderful and dynamic women at all levels of the League. Connie is looking forward to her current role as Toronto Diocesan Council Vice President where she will focus for the next two years on membership and league development opportunities for members of the Toronto Diocese.
Born in Indonesia, Andrea is the 5th of 6 children and came to Canada with her family when she was 12 years old. She and her late husband Paul of 42 years, have 2 sons, a daughter-in-law and a 5-month old grandson.
Andrea joined the League in 1996, at St. Patrick, Mississauga, and became Christian Family Life Chair. In less than 2 years, she was elected Organization Chair and then President. She has also been Treasurer at the parish level. On the regional level, she served as Communications Chair, Recording Secretary, and Peel Regional Chair, which has brought her great joy and tremendous growth. After three terms at the diocesan level, Andrea returned to Peel Region as Organization and Secretary/Communications Chair.
In the spring of 2011, Andrea was invited to be a part of the National ad hoc Leadership Development committee as one of the 2 consultants from the younger generation of League members, under the leadership of Betty Anne Brown Davidson, the then National Organization Chair. The fruits of the much labour of love was named "Catch the Fire!" workshop, launched at the 2012 National Convention in Edmonton. Andrea was also selected to be one of the two Ontario Provincial workshop facilitators - Sparks, for 2012 - 2014.
At the diocesan level, Andrea was Christian Family Life sub-convener, Communications Chair, Community Life Chair, Corresponding Secretary, Secretary to the Election Committee, Organization sub-convener (Member Development) for 2-terms, and Convention Registration committee member. She is Secretary for the 2025 National Convention Planning Committee.
Andrea credits the CWL Leadership & Public Speaking Course she took many years ago for giving her the courage and confidence to take on all of her volunteer involvement in her Parish and the League. Andrea was a Board member of Vita Centre and an active member of the ACTS faith community. She is currently the Co-Chair of ACTS Canada Core, as the ACTS Women’s Retreats Support Co-Ordinator. Andrea is looking forward to her next challenge as the Toronto Diocesan Secretary, as she continues to serve God’s people within the League.
Sue has been a parishioner at St. John Chrysostom Parish in Newmarket since 1988. She is married to John and together raised four children. They are now grandparents to two little boys. They celebrated forty years of marriage in 2021.
Sue's journey in the CWL began in 2006 with a personal invitation from a member at her local council to help with a presentation to the local town council on a proposed water aquifer by-law. At the parish level, she held the positions of community life, resolutions, legislation and president. Her council has presented resolutions to provincial and national council and one of those resolutions is still active at the national level.
In 2013, after election to the diocesan council, Sue served as christian family life chair. Other positions held at the diocesan level were resolutions, education and health and president-elect/organization. Serving as organization chair during the COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges but the use of technology provided an opportunity to reach more parish councils, more often. The monthly virtual CWL Wednesday was offered to members with many popular topics.
While diocesan resolutions chair, Sue also served as sub-committee chair for the provincial legislation chair and helped work on the "Legislation Scavenger Hunt". As diocesan president-elect/organization chair Sue participated in the Year One Working Group (Reorganization) for the implementation of the Strategic Plan which resulted in the new structure of the League.
As Toronto Diocesan President, Sue and her executive helped councils lead though the changes coming as councils adjusted to the new format of the League. A significant endeavour was the Unity Outreach where a total of 75 councils were able to receive the presentation. This was additionally important as councils started to gather again after the COVID impacted schedule of meetings. The monthly president’s update provided councils with update information as well as the opportunity to share their success stories.
She is looking forward to her continued service to God and Canada.
Amelia immigrated to Canada at the age of 10, from Guyana, South America. She is the mother of a daughter and two sons. Amelia’s passions are spending time with her children, faith development and gardening. After many years of nurturing her children, she found herself wanting a renewed sense of purpose. “Here I am Lord” spoke to her and she started volunteering in her parish.
In 2016, Amelia attended a CWL games night and became a CWL member, jumping right in as Community Life Chair. During her CWL journey, she held various positions on the executive, including Education and Health, Christian Family Life, Spiritual Development, President/Organization and currently is Past President/Historian. Amelia looks forward to serving you as your Toronto Diocesan Council Faith Chairperson for the 2024 to 2026 term.
Inspired by her personal faith journey, Amelia’s volunteer work in her parish and council includes many different areas in which she has organized or assisted, such as: Advent Retreat, RCIA sponsor, Totus Tuus, CWL fundraising, Pastoral Visitor Training, Outreach Ministries, Sacrament Preparation Classes, Rosary Apostolate, Membership Drive speaker and Christmas Bazaars
As Amelia continues her journey, she is committed to serving God and Canada, as a member of the Catholic Women's League of Canada.
Gabriella began her journey in the CWL when she would drive her mom to CWL meetings at St. Patrick, Wildfield, and would sit in on the meetings, with her children as she waited for her mother. Listening to the members speak, and learning of the strength and determination of these ladies, sparked Gabriella’s interest and enthusiasm in becoming a member. Gabriella’s first term on the Parish Council as Christian Family Life Chair (2014) was like coming home, as she had been part of this council family as an observer and now a member.
At the parish level, Gabriella, also held the offices of President Elect. President, and Past President/ Historian (2016-2023). She has loved every minute. Gabriella’s current role includes Education & Health, and she has a passion to work with her parish schools.
While keeping herself involved in the busy lives of her children Gabriella can be found convening the house league seasons for the Caledon Soccer Club and attending Parent Council meetings.
Excited to accept the challenges and victories this next chapter has to offer, and with so much to learn from such a strong group of women, Gabriella is prepared for one amazing journey as she begins her term as Service Chair on the Toronto Diocesan Executive.
Christina and her husband came to Canada as landed immigrants from the United Kingdom in 1977 and built a successful life together. Christina and Peter have been married for 48 years and have two adult daughters and a son, a much loved son-in law and daughter-in-law and five wonderful grandchildren, four boys and one little girl. Christina retired from her professional career in 2012 after working for 40 years in Health Care as a physiotherapist and later in a corporate role. She has volunteered with Vita Centre since 2008, a charity founded by the Catholic Women’s League and the Knights of Columbus and is presently Board Chair.
Christina has served her profession and her community through a number of volunteer board and committee positions, including a term as President of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA), two terms as a Director of OPA, a term as a director of the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada, and is a current board member of Health Claims for Auto Insurance Processing. She served a six-year term as a member of the Governance Committee of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association, giving her over 30 years combined experience in Board Governance and leadership roles.
Christina initially joined the Catholic Women’s League at St. Francis Xavier parish in 2011. She later moved to the Catholic Women’s League at St. Joseph, Streetsville. She served as President Elect, then as President for a two-year term. She also took on the role of Organization Chair and Secretary. Once Christina completed her term in December 2022, she served one year as Past President. Christina and her family have been parishioners of St. John of the Cross parish in Mississauga for 41 years and when a new CWL council was formed at her parish two years ago, Christina decided to transfer her membership to St. John of the Cross Council. Christina is happy to serve her new council in any way she can, and is very excited to join the executive at the Toronto Diocesan level as Chairperson of Social Justice.
Lynette’s CWL journey began in 2003 at St. Francis Xavier parish in Mississauga. At the parish level, she held several roles -corresponding secretary, two terms as treasurer, organization chair, president and historian.
At Peel Region, she was a treasurer for two terms.
For six years, she was an integral part of a three-member committee for the Toronto Diocese Annual Convention. In 2014, she initiated and introduced the online registration for the convention. In 2018, she created and distributed the event tickets at the 71st Annual Ontario Provincial Convention in Toronto.
National strategic planning initiative, from 2021-2023, as a member of the working group - Training and Development using Technology, Lynette contributed to resources that are currently on the CWL national website.
In 2025, Lynette will chair the registration team for the National 105th annual convention in Toronto.
In the parish, Lynette plays an active role volunteering and is currently the Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion.
Lynette’s parents, originally from Goa moved to Mumbai, India, where she was born. As a Bachelor of Science (Hons) graduate, Lynette held management roles in multinational companies in fields of Pharmaceuticals, Construction Chemicals and Information Technology in India, United Arab Emirates and Canada.
She immigrated with her family to Canada 27 years ago. She is married to Simon for 42 years and they have four children – three daughters and a son, all married with their own children. As of June 2024, Lynette and Simon are blessed with nine precious grandchildren - five boys and four girls, ages ranging from two weeks to seven years.