Reference Documents

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Members and non-members may electronically copy and print to hard copy portions of the site for the sole purpose of using materials it contains for information and non-commercial, personal use only. Any other use of materials requires the written permission of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada or the author of the document



The Leadership and Public Speaking Course runs for 6 weeks. During those 6 weeks students will have the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills as well as learn about League structure and protocol as well as how to run effective council meetings; make a motion; write a report; introduce and thank a guest speaker; etc.

This course is recommended for all CWL members and especially those holding or planning to hold an executive position.

Due to the course design it is very important that those participating make every effort to attend all 6 classes. There is homework that needs to be completed and then presented the following class- so it you miss a class you have to catch up the next week. Homework includes a combination of reading, reviewing, writing and most important - PRACTICING!!

For a course to take place there are three requirements:

  • 15- 20 ladies representing at least 4 or 5 different councils that want to take the course
  • A parish willing to host the course (provide a hall with tables, chairs, microphone and podium once a week for 6 weeks)
  • Two or more facilitiators willing to lead the course.

If you are interested in hosting a course, taking a course or being a facilitator contact your Regional Chair.


PET = Parish Executive Training

This is a one day course to help executive officers and committee chairs who have not had the benefit of a leadership course. IT IS NOT NEW! The first version of the Executive training manual was developed almost twenty years ago! The committee (on Training materials) has refreshed, re-organized and is now on a PowerPoint presentation.

In this session, you will be provided with a concrete tool kit which you will need to use your gifts in leadership in the League. You will understand your responsibilities/potential roles and will have acquired many helpful skills /tips to effectively use your gifts in League leadership in your council or in League leadership in general.

In each Region there are trainers/facilitarors ready to give this course.  Let your regional chair know through your council president if you require to do PET (Parish Executive Training).

Virtual Meeting Safety Tips and Guidelines

Training Videos

- 2011 Training Day - Treasurer 101 Presentation - Summary
- 2011 Training Day - Treasurer 101 - handout


CWL Membership Online Administration Presentation -Updated Oct 2020

Membership On-line Administration training video

Welcome Letters for New Members from 3 levels of CWL

These letters should be inserted as part of the New Members Kits
1.Toronto    2. Provincial     3. National 

Membership kit should include:

Membership Kit

Parish Elections - key points (Revised 2023)

Past President / Historian Checklist  - for list Click here

Parish Council Manual Policy and Procedure
Template - Parish Council Manual Policy and Procedure  Click here
CWL Wednesday - Preparing a Parish Council Manual P&P - Jan 2023  Click here

Project Planning Form -
Click Here

Moira Ste. Marie - Memorial Lecture Series - Click Here




2024 Youth Awards Booklet

2023 Youth Awards Booklet

2025 Youth Awards Program Package
1. - Cover Letter
1.a - Checklist
2. - Youth Awards Program Guidelines

Mary Matthews Public Speaking 
3a - Contest Rules Parish & Regions
3b - Criteria & Regulations for Participants
3c - Consent Form to Publish Personal Information
3d - Contest Rules for Judges
3e - Judges Scoring Sheet - Step 1
3f - Judges Scoring/Ranking Guidelines
3g- Timekeeper's Instructions/Record Sheet
3h- Mary Matthews Public Speaking Report

Mary Dobell Pro-Life Essay & Poetry Contest
4a - Pro-Life Essay & Poetry Contest Guidelines - for Parishes and Regions
4b - Pro-Life Essay & Poetry Contest Guidelines - for Schools and Participants
4e - Pro-Life Essay & Poetry Application Form + Consent to Publish Personal Information
4c 4a - Intermediate Level Essay Judging Score Sheet
4c 4b - Intermediate Level Essay Judging Scores Summary
4c 3a - Senior Level Essay Judging Score Sheet
4c 3b - Senior Level Essay Judging Scores Summary
4c 2a - Intermediate Level Poetry Judging Score Sheet
4c 2b - Intermediate Level Poetry Judging Scores Summary
4c 1a - Senior Level Poetry Judging Score Sheet
4c 1b - Senior Level Poetry Judging Score Summary
4d - Pro-Life Essay & Poetry Contest Winner Report

Jean McCann Service Award for Youth Ages 15 - 18
5a - Contest Guidelines for Parishes and Regions
5b - Contest Guidelines for Participants + (Application Form and Consent Form to Publish Personal Information)
5c - Judges Score Sheet for Entries

St. Michael's College Scholarship
6a - Letter from Diocesan Education & Health Convener to Parishes
6b - Letter to High School Guidance Counselor (Announcing the 2025 Competition - Scholarship Eligibility Requirements + Application Form and Information Poster for the Secondary and/or Parishes + Sample Parish Announcement.